4237 RAPID Latex Additive

4237 RAPID Latex Additive is a specially designed latex additive for use with 211 to make high strength latex thin bed and medium bed adhesive up to 15 mm. For installing all types of tile, stone and agglomerates.

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For a fast setting tile and stone adhesive. 4237 RAPID Latex Additive will mix with 211 to make a high strength, chemical, shock and vibration resistant adhesive. Suitable for swimming pools, facades, commercial and industrial tile and stone installations. 4237 RAPID Latex Additive is ready for foot traffic in 3 hours at room temperature 21˚C.

Features & Benefits

  • Ready for foot traffic – 3 hours at room temperature
  • Meets and exceeds AS ISO13007.1&2 as a C2FS1

Packaging Sizes: 19 litre pail
Part of System: LATICRETE®
Data Sheet: DS-1080